Beach adventure

Living in a beach town one would think that finding a decent beach to go to would be quite easy.   While finding a beach might be easy, finding a beach with actual space to lay out can be a difficult task.

On Saturday I went into town to meet up with a fellow couchsurfer for lunch and then to find a beach.  We had lunch and then got on my motorbike to ride back towards my place to find a less crowded beach.  The first adventure was figuring out how to drive a motorbike with a passenger.  People make it look so easy but guess what, it isn’t.

Once we finally got back on the road finding a beach was quite a task.  We could see the ocean but it was impossible to find the beach.  We wandered down some random roads and even down some bungalow steps in search of a beach and we got nothing.  We asked around and everyone tried to send us back to town where the crowds were.

Finally we decided we were just going to walk into a hotel and act like we were staying there.  We navigated in the direction of the ocean and came upon a nearly empty beach with lounge chairs all set up.  We set up camp and found that no one bothered us except to ask if we wanted to order drinks.   The best part about this discovery is that the hotel with the beach is a 2 minute walk from my apartment.  It is so close that it almost seems silly to ride my bike there!

1 thought on “Beach adventure

  1. Happy that you had found a beach and it’s close to your apartment. Enjoy the sun, take time to relax and enjoy. Love you, Mom

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